Thursday, 13 October 2011

Camera shots:

Work completed individually:

Additional information:
  • We have used our friends as models
  • We have done this in order to practice camera shots so we can use these for our individual final pieces
  • This will allow us to experiment different camera shots, and see the outcome and effects of certain angles and shots

Establishing/Long shot

Long shot

Mid shot

Over the shoulder shot

Over the shoulder shot of Kiran, and her point of view of Abbie

Two shot

Medium close up

Point of view

High angle

Low angle

Birds eye view

Extreme close up

Big close-up

 Here are some edits I attempted editing on my phone using an app called princess cam.

The edits are not really that good, but yeah, I tried my best! :)

Emma Gower's blog:

1 comment:

  1. Fab Fab Fab, great use of voki to explain your thoughts.
