Sunday, 6 November 2011

Tumblr Questionnaire:

Work completed individually:

I decided to do a 'mini questionnaire' on tumblr as you are able to ask questions publicly. I was going to use Twitter but I forgot you're only allowed to type 140 characters for each post, so it would be kind of annoying creating a lot of posts for just a question. Anyway, here are some of the screenshots of I printscreened on my phone.

Print screen of what I asked
Second half of the print screen.
Print Screen of some responses I got on Tumblr
Another response I got on Tumblr via mail

I decided to use Tumblr as an alternative way for market research because the results would be less biased in comparison to doing a questionnaire on someone I know - my friends or family - as they could be just agreeing with what I am saying or what I want to do. In addition, asking on tumblr allows me to get a wide range of opinions, some people who answered my questionnaire are not even my followers, but just complete strangers who happen to come across my mini questionnaire when they searched for specific 'labels' that came under the labels I put in for the questionnaire. 

1) Are you appealed to the synopsis? 

This was the first question I asked in my questionnaire, I asked this as I wanted to know if the audience was appealed to the synopsis that I typed out at the beginning of the questionnaire. This question is important as this kind of defines whether or not our film would be 'successful' if it was produced. 

Some responses I got - "well it all depends on the details because right now the plot is interesting, but just barely. try to make a disney connection for appeal." " yes" - These responses I got suggests to me that the plot is appealing to most people as the results I got from people all said "yes"

2) If this was released out in the cinema, would you go and watch it? 

I decided to ask this question as I wanted to know if people would be willing to pay to go and watch this at the cinema. This question is important as this determines whether or not our company would make money if this was a real life scenario. 

Some responses I got - "yes I would" "probably, sounds like a thriller" - These responses suggests to me that most people will be willing to pay to watch this film at the cinema. Moreover, one of the responses included "..sounds like a thriller" this implies that people already recognise our film as a thriller film without us telling it is a thriller. 

3) Would you watch this instead of going to the cinema? 

I asked this question because I wanted to know how appealing our film was to people. I wanted to know if people would rather watch it online, and not go to the cinema to watch it. This question shows and suggests how appealing our film is.

Some responses I got - "maybe if it was good quality" "No" "No I would watch it at the cinema" - these responses were a mix, as some said they would watch it online if it was good quality, and some said they would rather watch it at the cinema. This suggests, some people do like our film and would pay to watch it at the cinema. 

4) Do you think our film - The Black Apple - will ruin the image of Snow White for Disney fans? 

I asked this question as I didn't want our film to ruin the image of Snow White for younger people, and I wanted people to think of  the film The Black Apple when Snow White pops into their minds. 

Responses I got - "No but the audience has to be at least 13 and up" "yeah" "No, it will be a new interpretation, it wouldn't ruin it." The results I got were both negative and positive, one person said it will ruin the image of Snow White, and the rest of the others said it will not as it will be something new. These results suggests the film will not ruin the image of Snow White for people, but will be a new interpretation of it. 

Advantages for using Tumblr for market research: 
  1. Less biased as the people answering my questions are people I don't know (including some followers)
  2. Wide range of opinions - I'm not picking a specific group of people for my research i.e. our primary target audience - by putting it on Tumblr, anyone can answer it.
  3. Honest opinions - I'm not asking my friends or family, so the responses I get would be more reliable and honest as if my friends or family answered it, they'd answer it not as critical in contrast to asking people online.
Disadvantages for using Tumblr for market research: 
  1. Not everyone will answer my questionnaire - some people might not be bothered to answer my questions, whereas if I had to ask face to face, they will likely to answer it.
  2. Hard to define a target audience or market - because I am asking online, I will get quite a wide range of answers, so it could be hard to alter some parts to the film to meets all the audiences needs. 
  3. Answers may not be reliable - some answers could be not reliable as they could be just anyone answering my questionnaire just for fun.

I think the questionnaire on Tumblr went well, as I got more responses than I expected to. The responses I got were helpful, they helped me to know what I could do to improve e.g. "try to make a Disney connection". In addition, the results also showed me where our strengths were in the film e.g. "the plot is interesting". 

However, I could have asked a few more questions on the questionnaire to help me get a better understanding of the audiences needs. For e.g. I could have asked them their age and gender - this will help me define who our audience is for our film. Moreover, I could have asked "What they didn't like about the plot" this will allow more critical responses and allow me alter some parts to the storyline.

In conclusion, I think research was carried out successfully, and in a way I was glad I didn't ask additional questions as then some people would not want to answer the questionnaire as they may not have enough time or they could be too lazy to answer the long questionnaire. 

1 comment:

  1. This is great to see you using online questionnaires - well done!
